Continuous Service

Ensure your business contingency by hiring people with unique skill sets, knowledge and experience.

Continuous Service

You have the opportunity to conclude a contract with Complytics Solutions for Continuous Service with a monthly fee. The minimum period of our service is three months. We tailor this solution according to your business needs and requirements.

We guarantee that the rules of internal control of our subscribers, when updated, will undergo complete individualization for a specific organization and entrepreneur. The client's wishes are included in documentation and the nuances of the work are taken into account when developing the final package.

The basic services included:

Providing recommendations for the implementation of internal control, taking into account the specifics of the client's activities, clarifications of supervisory authorities.

Timely preparation of all necessary internal documents in accordance with the requirements of supervisory authorities, AML/CTF/CPF and Sanctions compliance legislation.

Advising on the implementation of internal control by specialists of the company in the AML/CTF/CPF and Sanctions compliance field.

Preparing responses to requests from supervisory authorities, questionnaires.

Updating the internal control rules for AML/CTF/CPF and Sanctions compliance purposes with each change to the legislation, if the changes affected the text of the rules, as well as taking into account our practice of accompanying inspections of our clients, recommendations of supervisory authorities.